Thanks to a great gift from family friends, I have been learning how to make cheese! Quite exciting, delicious and also a great conversation starter (people can't seem to believe this is possible). The first time I did it, the cheese turned out really quite well, but I am still refining my technique. It's not too hard. You add citric acid to milk (can't be ultrapasteurized - for the batch here, I used farm fresh milk that a friend procured for me), heat it up, then add the enzyme rennet, stir and let curds form [NOTE: this was from the first time I made cheese - the curds are actually supposed to be less chunky and more solid/smooth than this as I have discovered in later iterations].

Once you have curds, you drain the whey (liquid) off the curds (this is the part that I find tricky) and then heat the curds and knead them for repeated cycles, until you get... cheese!! I made mozzarella but using a similar procedure you can make other soft cheeses. I think hard cheeses are trickier.

Other than making the cheese from scratch, this pizza is fully ridiculous because I also made the crust (although I did not grow or mill the flour), grew the peppers and also grew the basil that I then made into pesto. And then I ate it off a plate that I made just to round out the picture. If you're wondering whether it tasted better with all those homemade inputs, I think it did! (but maybe all the work just made me more hungry).

I have gotten multiple compliments on this crust, so if you'd like to try it out, the recipe is from Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Vegetable Miracle
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